Friday 1 April 2011

reverse stick shot/ sweep

Backhand hit


Use a pancake grip to hold the stick - ie with your palms facing upwards - as if you were holding a frying pan and tossing a pancake.
The hook of the stick should be turned in a clockwise direction with the flat side facing upwards.


The backswing needs to be short, with the stick hugging the ground.
You need to use your wrists to do this.


Hit off the right foot with the ball slightly out in front.
Use the inside edge of the stick - if you are shooting you may be aiming to lift the ball in a controlled manner, so aiming the stick down into the back of the ball will help get it airborne.
If you are attempting more of a passing/sweep shot, get down much lower and aim to hit the middle of the ball with the inside leading edge of the stick.
It will help if you try and keep the stick in contact with the ground on the backswing and follow through.

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