Friday, 14 January 2011

the jab tackle is when the stick is used to get the ball of the opposition.

Jab tackle

step 1.
Jab tackle

You can use the jab to slow down the ball carrier or dislodge the ball.
Hold your stick with both hands, with the handle pointing towards your waist area.

step 2.
Jab tackle

Put your left foot forward.
Jab the stick forward with your left hand.
If the ball has run clear of their stick and the time is right to try and dislodge the ball, make your move.
Otherwise, just faking the jab with your body and arm will still force your opponent to keep their eyes down on the ball, and make it harder for them to spot and make a pass.

if the oppenent gets hit with the stick before the ball the unpire, the oppisition will receive a free hit by the umpire.

block tackle

its a way of tackling the oppenent.

step 1.

Put your left foot forward with your knee bent and your back leg stretched behind you.
Bide your time - if you get your stick down too early you will become immobile and it will be easy for your opponent to catch you off balance and dribble around you.
So time your tackle until the last moment.

step 2.

Have your stick at right angles to the line of the ball.
You can reach for the ball with one or both hands.
Don't swing for the ball with your stick - keep it low on the ground.
Put the shaft of your stick in front of the ball.

step 3.

Once the tackle has been made, use both hands on the stick to make it easier for you to hold possession.


the flick is a hockey skill which would be similar to the chip in football.

Rather than running along the surface of the pitch, the ball is lifted off the ground.
The flick can be used as a way of passing, as long as it is not deemed dangerous by the umpire.
You can also use it to shoot at goal and from the penalty spot.
It's also a deft way of flipping the ball over an opponent's stick.

step 1.

Lean back on your right leg and roll your right wrist and arm backwards.
Keep a low body position.

step 2.

The ball should be in line with the toes on the left foot.
The stick face needs to be against the ball facing slightly upwards.

slap hit...

the slap hit is done quickly withouht having to chance the grip (quick shot)
step 1.
Hockey stick

Keep your hands apart in the dribbling or trapping position rather than bring them both to the top of the stick.
The backswing should be short and flat, with stick parallel to the ground.

Step 2.
Hockey stick

Keep the follow through low and your stick on the ground.
If you want to lift the ball, angle the head of the stick upwards.

indian dribble

step 1.
Indian dribble

The aim is to move the ball from the forehand to the backhand and back again.
Keep your knees bent and grip your stick in the dribbling position with hands around 30cms apart.
Put the V of your left hand down the back of the stick to make it easier to rotate.

Step 2

Indian dribble

Use your left hand to rotate the stick fully over the ball and use your right hand to guide the stick.
Holding your right hand a little looser around the stick should help.
Turn the stick over the ball from the right hand side of your body to the left hand side and back again.

step 3

Indian dribble

The ball should be out in front of the body and moved in a zig-zag pattern across the ground.
Transfer your body weight from left foot to right foot and vice versa.
Keep your stick close to the ball and try to look up while you're dribbling.